Monday, August 10, 2009

Top 10 Reasons to Move to New York NOW. Part 2.

As I continue my countdown of top 10 reasons to move to New York now, my persuasive abilities seem to be working. It seems my good friend may, in fact, move here. I look forward to giving him some guest blogging spots in order to get his take on The Big Move.

But back to the list...

7. Stop Global Warming.

No, I don't know if global warming will be a good thing for New York, but you can help avert it by moving here now. No need for a carbon-spewing car. Amazing transit system. The Northeast has a train system that should have been the pattern for the nation rather than our highway system. Recycling is mandated and (if you have a doorman building) very easy to do. All of it combines to make NYC reduce your carbon footprint to a baby bootie.

6. Me.

, so many of you won't count this as a good reason, but this list is for my good friend, so it should count as a pretty big one!

5. You can always move back.

Credit for this reason goes to another friend of mine who left Atlanta for San Francisco, but it applies equally to NYC. Truth is, New York is one of those cities (dare I say the ONLY city) that most people in the world admit they would like to live in at some point in their lives. Now, I couldn't find a quantitative poll to that effect, but my subjective polling of it is off the charts. My friend being a brand consulting-type guy, he should know the value of being associated with the best city brand in the world. Come and bask in its halo effect. Atlanta is not going anywhere. You can always go back to the ATL, where, apparently, if you miss something, do not worry, because every day will continue to be opening day.

Check back soon for the continued countdown to Reason Number One to Move to New York Now!