Thursday, June 4, 2009

Meredith Here I Come

Lots going on as the City ramps up for summer. First, I got an audition to potentially be a contestant on "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire." I certainly do. I am currently filling out the application, and my favorite answer so far is to the question "Why do you want to be on the Show?" Answer: "I like the challenge. Plus, I want to see exactly what my Phone-A-Friend's friendship is worth." We will see if the producers like snarky.

This has been a winning kind of week all around, as I also won an Xbox 360 from a contest I entered. I hope it marks the beginning of the good luck!

My brother from Nashville is visiting for the next five days. On tap: Walking across the Brooklyn Bridge, the Guggenheim, two plays and some good dinners. I cannot wait to have some time to catch up with him.

Have a good weekend.