This week has already brought the chance to have lunch with Amy Poehler, Laura Linney, Brian Williams and the cast of Saturday Night Live. Admittedly, it was me and 750 people at the 2009 Peabody Awards luncheon, but, still. YouTube picked up its first-ever Peabody. The best line of the afternoon belonged to NBC news anchorman, Brian Williams. Upon awarding the Peabody to the New York Times' incredible website, Brian said: "I hear that the will be announcing the introduction of a risky but unitque new initiative: a print version of the website."
I subscribe to the daily print edition of the Times. It is something that I did in Atlanta, and it is something that I looked forward to doing as part of my New York experience. Even while working for one of the companies that is often accused of killing off newspapers, I still get a rush when I step out my door at 7 am to scoop up the paper. For some reason (age?), I am more amazed at the distribution process that gets that paper to my door than I am the point and click model of the online world. I am a big believer in efficiency, but I also feel a certain sublime experience in setting down to flip through the New York Times. I get excited about the Home section Thursdays, and now I really love the local New York section.
So, here is to the survival of print. Well, at least the New York Times. It is a daily part of the City that would be sorely missed by this Googler.