Monday, February 16, 2009

Flippnyc 7.1

Tomorrow, it is back in the gym for me.  Since I moved here, one thing I have failed at is regular visits to the gym.  It's not because I don't have a perfectly wonderful gym membership. 

I can blame things like the cold weather, the hectic schedule of this City, or the increase in work hours. I guess I could blame not yet having a large circle of friends who work out at the local gym, making a supportive, gym-based social network like I had in Atlanta.  

All good excuses, but nothing can excuse these tighter pants.  I have no real excuses, except that I simply got out of the routine when I moved.  What kind of excuse is that, really?

Tomorrow, it starts again. As a twist to try to avoid the early morning pull of the bed, and the evening's pull of the sofa, I am going at lunch time.  Luckily, the gym is very close to work.

I had my last giant plate of french fries this weekend (and believe me, there are some great fries in this City.  Good-bye Shake Shack.  And Chelsea Diner.... ).  I had my last, glorious Billy's Cupcake (for a while).  And my last box of $5.99 Triscuits from over-priced Gristedes.  The last day of my personal carb-fest completed,  I am ready to fire it up again.

Here goes.